My Eternal Beloved

Eternal Beloved

As the days pass that we are apart

my heart aches for you My Lover.

I close my eyes and see you right before me,

you’re not here.

I yearn to reach out and touch you,

to feel your essence next to me

you’re not here.

I hear you whispering in my ear,

you’re not here.

Not a moment passes that you,

My Lover consumes my every thought.

Yin Yang

For you are the Yin

to my Yang.

As I’m the Yang

to your Yin.

We are Connected

in Mind, Body, and Spirit.

We are Soul Mates

until the end of time.

  1. Chatty Owl says:

    Its so powerful and amazing to be loved by your soulmate.


  2. Such an amazing expression in your words… I loved this! 🙂


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