The Sunshine Award & Shine On Award

Posted: September 1, 2013 in Acknowledgement, Appreciation, Blogger's, Shine On Award, Sunshine Award
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I have been presented with 2 Awards.

The Sunshine Award and my 3rd Shine On Award

From the Very Talented WritingTheBody

Please stop by and check out his postings and the adventures of Zed The Free Rider and his Onager.

The Sunshine Award

Sunshine Award

Shine On Award

Shine On Award 3rd

I’m Very Touched, and Honored to have been nominated for these Awards.

 Accepting these awards I must follow the rules:

Answer the 12 questions

Pass along to 12 Blogger’s

1. How well do you eat (and tell me the healthiest thing you eat in a week as well as the unhealthiest)?

Very Poorly. My problem is I can go the whole day without eating. Then only have chicken breast for dinner (healthiest) Fortunately I’m presently not having any “cravings”. No I’m not pregnant. I have an implanted pain pump for my back, and the narcotics cause me to crave sweet. I went about 4 months addicted to Hershey Kisses. I wonder why I re-gained the 7 pounds I had lost.

2.  How long do you expect to live?

I just turned 49 on the 4th of August. I have always had the feeling that I won’t see past 50.

3.  How do you lift yourself out of depression? Two things please.

Orgasms everyday

Take a shower everyday

4.  Song you are listening to now that gives you the biggest lift

I have to pick 1 song from the 500 on my Ipod. Presently I would have to say “Maybe Tomorrow” by Stereophonics

5.  Which season do you like best?

As a Florida resident sadly we don’t experience seasons, other than “Hurricane”. I must admit that Autumn is my favorite when we lived in the mid-west.

6.  How many people in the world really care about you?


7.  Do you think most people are normal?

No. I believe we all have some form of mental illness whether its anxiety ,depression, bipolar, obsessive/compulsive, eating disorders or addiction to either drugs, alcohol or shopping.

8.  Are you normal?

Far from it.

9.  Are you a danger to anyone?

No. I’m my own worst enemy.

10.  What benefit doest a free rider bring?

The journey to self enlightenment.

11. Are you a rational person?

80% rational 20% non-rational, although my husband would beg to differ

12.  Are you a good person?

Yes. I believe I am 

My rules: None

 I’m passing along these 2 awards with an Open and Loving Heart.

The option to follow the customary rules that consist of:

Thank the Blogger who nominated you,

answer the 12 questions, and nominate 12 Blogger’s are up to you. 

CONGRATULATIONS to the following Blogger’s:

  1. Kdaddy 23’s Blog
  2. Rubber Bound Princess
  3. Accidental Masturbator
  4. Free, Fun or Interesting
  5. Kinky In The City
  6. Love Sex And Marriage
  7. Poetic Passions
  8. Pushing Our Limits
  9. Red Cee And Blue Dee
  10. You’ve Been Hooked
  11. My Buxom Wench
  12. Dreamer Of Peace
  1. The Hook says:

    I definitely need this ray of sunshine today. Thank you!


  2. Congratulations, lovely answers and thanks for the nomination…


  3. kdaddy23 says:

    Thanks for the nomination! I’ll put this on my list of things to do tomorrow – it’s too hot and steamy to think straight right now…


  4. writingthebody says:

    Well, I do think you will live past 50…and I am glad of it! And taking a shower…yea, that is a great idea! Love the answers…thank you!


  5. BeWithUs says:

    Once again, a big congratulations to you! Cheers~ 😀


  6. darkmoon says:

    Makes me wonder Don’t your spiritual power help you heal from your pains?


  7. […] Miley Cyrus to shame. But seriously, I just wanted your attention because the lovely Anastasia from Astral Traveler has bestowed on me both the coveted Sunshine Award and the Shine On Award *a new one for me, so […]


  8. writingthebody says:

    An Astral traveller will always find her way…..:)


  9. kdaddy23 says:

    I want you to know that I haven’t forgotten that you nominated me for this award and that I need to respond to it and recognize – I just haven’t been able to answer the questions in a way that makes sense…


    • Dear KD,
      Don’t worry about the questions. In fact I’m not sure if it was these two awards. I had given the option of answering the questions.It was a gift of mine to the Blogger. I would rather You Enjoy then to Feel any Pressure or Stress.
      Your Friend,


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