The Journey Of AstralTravler


Mature Theme & Sexual Explicit Language


You have now entered my world of Eclecticism.

I have just recently started to feel comfortable in publishing my postings. It has taken some time for me to find my “voice” in our blogging community. I enjoy, and admire the artistic talents of all the writings of the Blogger’s that I follow. I consider myself to be an “Omnivorous Pervert.”

With an eye & ear for liaisons, and meetings of the mind with interesting individuals with similar tastes.

I’m very Fond of the Blogger’s that I follow.

I encourage all to stop by and read their writing’s, that to me are works of Art.

My Awards:


Presented By John of



Presented By Jayne of Diary Incarnate


Dragon's Loyalty Award

Presented By Chazz



Presented By:


The Versatile Blogger Award

Presented By: Dreamlanddancing

Presented By: Writing The Body


                        Pleased To Announce….


I am so happy to announce that one of MY readers, astraltravler has WON the random commenter award, which is a $50 Amazon gift card as part of Novel Publicity’s – Collateral Damage book tour.

collateral damage hi res cover

You might remember my review of Collateral Damage but if you don’t… you can read it here or just click on the book image above.



The Sunshine Award

The Sunshine Award

Presented By: Writing The Body


Shine On Award

The Shine On Award My 3rd

Presented By: Writing The Body


Liebster Award

Liebster Award

Paris Carter


Inner Peace Award

“Inner Peace Award”

Presented By: White Pearl



“The Free Rider Award”

Presented By: Writing The Body


Shine On Award

My Second “Shine On Award”

Presented By Mary K. Wheeler


Shine On Award

“Shine On Award”

Presented By Writing The Body


Share The Love Award

“Share The Love Award”

Presented By Writing The Body


Dragon's Loyalty Award

“Dragon’s Loyalty Award”

Presented By Writing The Body


My Dear Friend, Growing Up Little Offers Book Reviews, Give Aways, and so much more. Please stop over and check out her site.

I’m Delighted to Announce I Won A Copy of Surface by Tiffany Daune



  1. CONGRATS! I am happy to inform you… you are the WINNER of the Surface Giveaway! Check out the announcement post:


  2. Chatty Owl says:

    Hey… I found it very touching that you went and read my blog. Or randomly liked. Either way, thanks for stopping by, dear.


  3. mysticlez218 says:

    now I find it hard to believe you have only commented on one blog ~laughs~


  4. I for one look forward to hearing what you have to write about… 🙂


  5. thank you for stopping by and the follow 🙂 *Brigid


  6. Please Accept this Award and Song

    The “Shine on” Award represents love and hope and friendship
Please pass this on, if you have it, type
    “Awarded x2 below it, or x3″

    Please, Shine On and accept and add the song in, so the song goes with the Award
    xox – Mary


    • Dearest Mary,
      I’m Honoured and Flattered to Accept This Beautiful Award From You. Your Kindness and Generosity is Greatly Appreciated From My Heart. Thank You So Very Much.
      Your Friend,


  7. Sincerest Thanks Astraltravler,
    Like the Earth Mother, you are the source. In acting as a Liaison between parties of similar interests and tastes, your blog is a sort of human stew…I keep “cumming” back to find out what you’ve conjured next.


  8. jlpiallat says:

    I love your blogs, your photos are very beautiful. I’ll be back… I also have a second blog on old pictures.
    SENSUALITE | La beauté à l’état pure


  9. ramblingpooh says:

    Hey there Anastasia, and no, I’m not Christian Gray.. Bad joke I presume… 😛
    Loved what you wrote up there but I reckon it needs overhauling by now.. Would like you to be more eloquent though, offering your audience insight into the heart and mind of Anastasia….. Just a piece of advice though :).


    • My Dear Friend Ramblingpooh,
      I’m Delighted By Your Comment! I’m probably the “Only One” in our society that Has Not Read “50 Shades of Grey”. I do admit I have a Warped Sense of Humor. No joke is Bad in My Book : )
      Indeed I do need to “update” my about page. I had initially started my blog site, as a Friend of mine had been blogging and it peaked my Curiosity. It was at that point that my “id” completely took over my consciousness. My Interests are very “eclectic”. My Ultimate Interests and Pleasure is Erotica, and the World of BDSM. It wasn’t until very recently that I have felt comfortable with my writings for publishing into our Blogging World.
      Your Friend,


  10. ramblingpooh says:

    Well, first off, let me start by congratulating you on NOT reading 50 shades of grey.. no offense to anyone but I couldn’t even manage to complete the whole novel. It was that awful..probably a teenage smut book, but it didn’t work for me at all…

    As to your tastes in sex being eclectic, I couldn’t agree more. One must not restrain his/herself to only one kink; one needs to explore his innermost thoughts and desires. Do read my ‘Who’s Pooh’ post and any feedback shall be appreciated. 🙂


    • Dearest White Pearl,
      Congratulations on your Awards.
      I’m so very Honored,Touched and Flattered by your Thoughtfulness and Generosity.
      I will Graciously accept this Heart Felt Award. I will Proudly post this on my site, with your Blog site linked.
      Your Friend,


  11. I hope you have time to join in on Project O! 🙂 The post is on my site.


  12. darkmoon says:

    may i know what does omnivorous pervert mean ?


  13. darkmoon says:

    so do you astral travel ?


      • darkmoon says:

        oh wow so your spirituality awakened ?


      • darkmoon says:

        wow you are everything i want to be so glad destiny brought me to your doorstep 😉 i didn’t know we could have sexual nature and be spiritual too how do you balance it both at once


      • Dear Dm,
        I believe that we meet by destiny. There is a reason for our connection. Being sexual, and being spiritual can be two separate entities or combined. I would also encourage you to read about Tantra. There is no “balancing” while exchanging energies. Keep in mind that you can pass energies in a non-sexual manner that is called Reiki. I again encourage you to check it out. Reiki is awesome and I go when ever I can. It’s fascinating how the energies flow naturally. As you become more familiar with meditation, chakras, and Tantra you will have a clearer understanding.


      • darkmoon says:

        so even with your erotic interests you could connect to your innerself that gave you ability of astral traveling ?
        hope you can answer me about this


      • Dear Darkmoon,
        No. You can’t travel while engaging in any sexual act. Traveling entales going into a very deep meditative state.
        It’s important to keep your chakras balanced and aligned. You would be amazed when you are in tune with your energies, and have a deep connection with your partner. The energies that you both exchange back and forth are absolutely mind blowing. This would probably fall under Tantra.


      • darkmoon says:

        so I wonder can one pleasure his partner without physical touch through spiritual/tantra means ? do reply
        Yours DM


      • Dear Dm,
        Yes by feeling the sensation of energy that you pass through your hand. This creates a very heightened state of arousal.
        It isn’t like the sensation of direct contact stimulation. By opening your chakras, and your partner opening theirs you are both passing energy to each other Their are many charkars in our body and those above our head. I would like to encourage you to learn about the first 7 from the root chakra to the crown chakra. You will have clearer understanding to my answer. Your root chakra is located at the base of your spine, and their is also a chakra located in the perineium of both males and females. When you and your partner are connected, and those chakras are open you can feel energy by placing your hand over the area without touching the skin directly. Try this cup your hands together, then slowly separte them. I find closing my eyes in the beginning was helpful. What your going to feel is a form of heat, the distance of your hands may vary. When you begin to experience this sensation make a ball visualize the color red and the more heat the deeper the color. As you feel the ball of energy slowly separate your hands to make your ball larger. I could also get into visualizing feeling the sensation while your alone that too is really arousing.
        Your Friend,


      • darkmoon says:

        oh your arousing awesomeness so it could satisfy my needs without skin contact wow my dear that be wonderful feeling of fulfillment and can you elaborate about the last part how you can get into the visualizing when I am alone make me wonder can two people enjoy this connection even if they are distance apart
        yours, dm


      • darkmoon says:

        oh yes it must be amazing so it must be a whole new world but how did u reach it because you are sexual person ?
        please elaborate about this sweet anastasia


      • Dear DM,
        Your sexuality has no bearing on spirituality. We are not speaking about religion that’s a whole different ball park.
        You can be spiritual with connecting with your own energies by meditation, and the practices of Tantra and the Tao.


      • darkmoon says:

        Ya point is not about religion at all
        my question arise because you said one can’t attain spiritual bliss if involved in sexual acts so got bit confused 😉


      • No I don’t believe I said you could not achieve spiritual bliss during sex. I indicated you can’t astral travel during any sexual act. 😊


      • darkmoon says:

        Sweet AT,
        oh oops sorry my excitement in meeting you, made me misinterpret your words LOL


      • Dear Dm,
        That’s okay. I’m flattered. : )


      • darkmoon says:

        oh your kind to say that but I hope you blush too 😉


      • Dear Dm,
        Perhaps you might be able to astral travel during sexual activity. Although throught all the material and podcasts I never read or heard of that happening. I would venture to say that if your partner was performing a pleasureful act while and you went into a meditative state anything is possible.
        Your Friend,


      • darkmoon says:

        So it not matter if I have naughty imagination .I could still reach my higher self because someone had told me naughty imagination takes you away from achieving spiritual meditative state that connects us to god ?
        With love, DM


      • darkmoon says:

        so like I have naughty imagination so does it affect me from reaching higher self


      • Dear Dm,
        No. Imagination is key with meditation. Along with aligned and balanced chakras.
        Your Friend,


      • darkmoon says:

        Sweet DM
        Oh good I thought my sexy imagination blocking from reaching my goal


  14. darkmoon says:

    hello AT,
    Can I borrow your gravatar profile picture to use it as a background for my blog …becoz I love sensual angel pictures so hope you allow me to use it..thanks
    Yours, DM


  15. darkmoon says:

    Oh thanks for elaborating and yes I do have read about it but not easy to meditate


  16. darkmoon says:

    You don’t write much on here ..hope to find some erotic writings by you


  17. darkmoon says:

    So why you say your sexual because you don’t show much of that side ;;p
    your curious follower,


  18. darkmoon says:

    when you have time hope we can chat some time
    your friend


  19. Hello. I was recently presented with the Versatile Blogger Award, and was asked to nominate fifteen other bloggers.
    As much as I hate chain letters, I have regularly enjoyed reading and viewing your work and would like to show my appreciation by passing this award on to you.
    To the best of my knowledge, no one has been promised good fortune if they passed it on to fifteen others, or been threatened with catastrophe if they “broke the chain”.
    This is simply my acknowledgement of gratitude for the privilege of enjoying your blog and your creative impulses.

    The Versatile Blogger Award


  20. Just Patty says:

    I have nominated you for The Inner Peace Award.
    Of course you never have to accept an award, just know that you are appreciated!
    Lots of Love


  21. Jayne says:

    Tag! You’re It. Pass it on or simply enjoy it as a bouquet of flowers. I finally completed an award so that I could give one to you. It is of no obligation to do all the work. I do appreciate you and your positive and loving comments. I wish it all back to you ten fold – million fold. I hope you are of strong body and delicious mind. XO, Jayne


    • Dear Jayne,
      Thank You So Much for Bestowing me this Prestigious Award. I apologize for the late reply, as I had changes to my pain management. You, My Dear Sister Touch My Heart, and Make Me Smile! It’s a Honor and Delight to have Connected with You and follow your Amazing Writings!
      Your Friend Always,
      Anastasia 😊


      • Jayne says:

        I am happy to be able to reach your heart Anastasia. It’s a big one so that is not difficult. You always have positive affects on me and I wish that your pain would diminish. If only physical pain would lessen with each positive emotion you caused. Wait, let’s adjust that thought because you’d be as high as a kite all the time. haha I give send you swirling healing energy and a warm hug. Jayne


      • My Darling Jayne,
        Your Swirling Healing Energy has brought me from being bed-bound to sitting up in the chair. Their are no Words that can express the Gratitude I felt after reading your comment. I take Nothing for Granted, and Cherish Everyone that Touches and Comes into my Life!
        Have A 🍑 (peachy) Day
        Your Sister, Your Friend,
        Anastasia 😊


      • Jayne says:

        More back to you again, only bigger and more powerful. You make me lighter. xoxo J


      • Dearest Jayne,


  22. Delighted to welcome you to my happy group of followers. Look forward to reading your comments over on Learning from Dogs.


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