A Very Special

Thank You



The Majick I felt pour out when I removed the novel from its packing

has my skin tingling.


I Will Treasure this Novel for

the rest of my days.


Wishing You, Erik  All The Very Best

and an

Abundance of Success.




  1. writingthebody says:

    Do tell once you have read it!


  2. eriklehman says:

    Thank you so very much, Anastasia. It makes my heart feel good to know that you are happy with it, and that you can feel the majick I infused into it. So much love to you, my friend.



    • Dearest Erik,
      It’s My Pleasure! Words Can Not Express the Feelings I Experienced when I removed the novel from the packaging. I do want to share. Late last night I did see a bright light from my peripheral vision in the dark room I was in. This brought Me a sense of Joy & Happiness. Thank You So Much My Dear Friend. Also thank you for including additional cards, I will be taking some over to Barnes & Noble in 3 counties. I’m on a mission to promote “Daughters Of The Rose”!
      Anastasia 😊


      • eriklehman says:

        Ah, that light, I know it well 🙂 Thank you so much for your willingness to share. I do appreciate it. Big (((hugs))) for you. Have a great weekend.

        Erik ♥


  3. eriklehman says:

    Reblogged this on Erik S. Lehman and commented:
    Thank you, Anastasia. Love.


  4. Desiree G says:

    I think Erik created a portal for us to share our love, dear A, as I received my awesome book and package yesterday as well!! 🙂 I have lovingly stroked the cover and inhaled the scent of roses since its arrival.


    • Dear Des,
      I did not want to mention the way the novel was packaged. I wanted the other recipients to feel and experience what I did. Indeed Erik did create a portal. I hold my book close to my heart, and the Abundance of Love I feel words just can’t describe. This is a gift I cherish.
      Hugs & Kisses,
      Anastasia 😘


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