Posts Tagged ‘Celebration’



My Dear Friend,

John of

has presented me with this prestigious award.

It is with much Love and Gratitude that I Graciously accept

this gift of kindness.

❤️ Thank You My Dear Friend. ❤️



1. Link and thank the person who nominated you.

2. List the rules and display the award.

3. List Three (3) things about yourself


I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge these Very Important and Influential People that have Touched my life.  It is with their Love, Support, and Inspiration that lit a light that had been dark for too long.


This is not meant to exclude the many other Dear Friends

whose Love, Support, and Encouragement 

has touched me deeply, and made a difference in my life.


❤️ You Are All Important To Me ❤️

1.  A Special Thank You to Amy of who inspired, and encouraged me to express my creativity within the world of photography. I just received my first Nikon dslr camera 📷 for my birthday last week. There is so much to learn. I have enjoyed educating myself, and playing with my new toy. Sorry kids these photo’s aren’t ready for the blog site…I hope to show case beautiful works of art one day like Amy posts regularly.

2. A Special Thank You to Lizzy of Her blog, and writings has helped me to Embrace, and Love my body regardless of my weight. Due to thyroid disease, auto immune disorders, and Menopause.  I have struggled with distorted body self-perception, and anorexia nervosa since adolescence.

3.  Mentor, Confidant, and Mutual Co-Conspirator Chazz Vincent of Who has inspired more than just my writings…

4. Nominate FIVE (5) other amazing blogs and

comment on their posts to let them know they have been nominated.


Duck, Duck, Goose. You’re It!

Please accept this Award,

along with my complimentary box of Godiva Chocolates, and Crystal Champagne.


The Nominees (in no order) Are…


1.  The Beautiful, and Amazing Woman of The Elite Vixens of

2. “G” of  who personifies Empowered Woman.

3. Dear Friend, Partner in Pain Management: Dawn of

4. Dear Friend, Amazing Photographer: Amy of

5. Dear Friend, Soul Sister: Lizzy of


I’m humbled to have developed many dear, and close friendships within our community.

I’m Inspired by All that I follow.

It’s an honor to be in the company of such Creative, and Talented Artists.

With Much Love & Light To All

Anastasia 😊


I have been presented this Prestigious Award by Jayne of Dairy Incarnate

The dictionary definition of Thank You: a polite expression used when acknowledging a gift, service, or compliment, or accepting or refusing an offer.


My Friend, My Fellow Sister, Jayne;

Thank You doesn’t express the Gratitude I feel by Your Gift and Friendship.


 Here are the rules:

1. Thank the person who nominated you and post a link to their blog on your blog.✔️

2. Display the award on your blog by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a “widget” or a “gadget”.✔️

3. Answer 11 questions about yourself which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you.✔️

                                                                             4. Provide 11 random facts about yourself.✔️

5. Nominate 5 – 11 blogs you feel deserve this award, who have less than 1000 followers.✔️

6. Create a new list of questions for the blogger to answer. ✔️

7. List these rules on your post.✔️

Once you have written published it, you then have to:

8. Inform people/blogs that they have been nominated for the Liebster Award and provide a link for them to your post so they can learn about it (they might not have heard of it!) ✔️


Questions By Jayne:

  1. Do you collect anything and what is it?  Yes. Angels, Fairies, Cats, Metaphysical related tools i.e. Crystals & Stones, Herbs, Candles, Books.

2. What trait do you have that irritates other people? Mmmm.. I know what traits I have that Irritates Hubby and the Kids. Without sounded like the “Perfect Angel” I really can’t recall anyone ever saying “When you do xxx that irritates me.”  When I’m frustrated (which seems to be an ongoing feeling) about let say the phone bill. I’ll call and express my displeasure of the service or charge. I may initially exhibit a tone in my voice, and by the end of the call I will apologize to the representative for sounding kurt or rude after they have been patient and courteous with me.

3. What type of person are you at a friendly party? Is this a Swinger’s Party, a Casual Get Together, or Family Related?  I would say I’m out going. I will walk up to a guest and introduce myself, and start a conversation.

4.  What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? 1. I want to drift our 300Z at high speeds on a mountain along a winding road that over looks the ocean. Failing would be loosing control and driving over the side and ending up on the “Other Side”. (We don’t live where there are mountains, although I do live very close to the ocean without the narrow winding road)

2. Intentionally be defibrillated go into cardiac arrest to visit the “Other Side”, and then be successfully resuscitated without any complication or injury to my heart or brain. To experience the journey of death, and be able to share my experience when I return to this dimension.

5.  What sense would you give up if you had to? I’m a smoker so sadly my sense of Taste and Smell is not that of one who has never smoked. Sorry didn’t really answer the question…

6.  What was your favorite toy when you were a little kid? Colorforms Love Dolls Mattel Sunshine Family Dolls

7. Do you have a weird memory from when you were a kid?  Sharing Very Personal Info: When I was 8 or 9 I was inappropriately touched and had another sexual act done to me, not penetration. This inappropriate behavior was by a neighbor who was then had to be in his 50’s, and lived in the same apartment complex.  I knew it wasn’t right but I remember it felt good. After that occurred I made a point to never see this man again. I never told my parents. Weirdly, I don’t consider myself to have been molested, or sexually assaulted. This never affected my sexuality, relationships nor my self-esteem.

8. Do you believe that open toed high heels are inappropriate attire for a female to wear to work? No. I personally don’t care for wearing any open toe style shoes.

9. Do you know or have you heard of any women that wake up and pee in the shower when they are  getting “dressed and ready” in the morning? Yes Me, when Hubby is on the Throne, and I can’t make it to the 2nd bathroom. 

10. Can you tell me about one of the most beautiful vistas you have ever seen? Many, many, many moons ago. One night while driving home from visiting the Chicago Aquarium. We were listening to N.P.R. there were no other radio stations other than religious or country music available. As we began to listen to this incredible music by Hearts Of Space. We entered into a Lightening Storm. As the music played the night sky lit from one horizon to another. We had entered into a dimension where music and energy were in rhythm. We were in awe by listening to the music while being treated to this light show provided by the universe. Words can’t possibly describe this Once In A Life Time Experience. To have seen the Intensity of this Light show in combination with the most beautiful musical accompaniment was beyond seeing any laser/music show. 220px-Lightnings_sequence_2_animation

     I don’t recall the title of the song we listened to that night. I wanted to share a piece of this beautiful music.

11. If you could instantly have another education and full range of knowledge about a subject mater that would put you in a career you can’t have right this moment, what would it be? Law to attain my degree as an Attorney, and then to retain a seat as Circuit Judge.


11 Random Facts About Me

1. I enjoy Connecting and Interacting with the Blogger’s, Writer’s, and Author’s in our community.

2. I believe there is a “Spiritual Life” after death, and our Loved Ones that have passed over Watch, Protect and Guide us.

3. I see images of people, animals, eyes, and orbs in  “everyday” photos.

4. I’m seeking a “Female Lover” for us to have a “Triad” marital relationship.

5. In a year (I) We will be  “Empty Nest” Parents. I’m feeling a lot of mixed emotions. I’m savoring every minute of time I have left with our youngest, feeling very sad, and enlightened that Hubby and I will venture into the next phase of our lives. (and be able to express myself vocally in the heat of passion without a bang on the wall)

6. I’m frustrated about My Life and not being able to Live it to the Fullest. (Pain management issues)

7. Although our marital  journey has had many ups and downs, after 24 years we are Deeply In Love with each other.

8. I’m Truly Married to My Soul Mate.

9. The medications I take numb my ability to venture into my creative mind, and that Frustrates Me.

10. I wished I had the gift of writing like All of the Amazing People I follow.

11. I’m a “sucker” for the reality show on Bravo  “The Housewives of N.Y.”, Orange County, B.H., and N.J.


And The Award Goes To:

Tag! You’re It! Pass it on or simply enjoy, as if it were a box of Godiva Chocolates.

Arianna of

Killingdanse of


Alice of

Jennifer of


KDaddy of

Steve & 1Hotwife of


H.H. & Lola of

Master & Princess of


The Elite Vixens of

John of


Fatal of


Per The Rules I’m to Create 10 Questions For Those I Have Awarded:

1. If you could be any animal, what animal would you be ?

2. If You acquired a boat what would You name her?

3. What is your favorite smell?

4. Would you ever live outside your comfort zone for 30 days? (whatever that interpretation means to you. i.e. no technology, no television, living in a shelter or without electricity) Please Share

5. Do you have any phobias?

6. What’s the Most dangerous thing You have done?

7. What is your Astrological sign, and do you feel you possess those characteristics?

8. Do you believe that the color of a room affects your mood? What color(s) soothes you.

9. Do you donate blood?

10. If you could be the opposite sex for 30 days would you?



                         🔞  WARNING EXPLICIT SEXUAL THEME  🔞

Dear Friends,
We only have a 9 more days of May. Let’s take Full Advantage of Celebrating Pleasuring Ourselves.
Now we all know why Anastasia has not posted any material…







May is International Masturbation Month

Good Vibrations began celebrating National Masturbation Month in 1995! Earlier that year, then-Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders was fired for saying that masturbation should be discussed as part of young peoples’ sex education. We were astounded. It was one of the most sensible things we’d ever heard a government official say — and it cost Elders her job! We started National Masturbation Month — now International Masturbation Month with people celebrating across the globe! — to raise awareness and to highlight the importance of masturbation for nearly everyone: it’s safe, it’s healthy, it’s free, it’s pleasurable and it helps people get to know their bodies and their sexual responses. Of all the kinds of sex people can have, masturbation is the most universal and important, yet few people talk about it freely — worse, many people still feel it is “second best” or problematic in some way. Masturbation Month lets us emphasize how great it is: it’s natural, common and fun!

Why May?

Because “the merry, merry month of May” has long been seen as symbolizing sexual awakening. Also, because “May” and “masturbation” both start with “M” — it’s nice and alliterative.

Masturbation Resources

More articles about self-love:

*Advanced Masturbation Techniques for Men

*Masturbation Hall of Fame

*How to Choose a Vibrator

*How to Choose a Dildo

*How to Enjoy Anal Sex

*How to Female Ejaculate

*Physiology of Pleasure

*What is an Orgasm?

*Masturbation Toy Shopping Guide

History of the Masturbation Taboo

Almost everyone masturbates, but all too few of us are willing to admit to enjoying this simple pleasure — mostly because of the taboo against masturbation in our society, which has its roots in historical misconceptions that have survived to the present day. Concerns about masturbation tend to fall into two general categories: that masturbation is dangerously wasteful or that it’s immature. The notion that masturbation is wasteful springs from the widespread misconception that men have a finite allotment of sperm and that every ejaculation depletes precious semen, resulting in exhaustion and weakness. Although women don’t produce semen, it was once believed that masturbation was similarly destructive and debilitating to them. The belief that masturbation is such a dangerous drain on energy that it can lead to enfeeblement, illness and ultimately insanity was so persistent in 18th, 19th and even 20th century Europe and America that treatments for preventing masturbation became something of an obsession.

Turn-of-the-century magazines featured advertisements for penile rings which were spiked on the inside so that if the wearer experienced an erection during the course of the night, he’d wake from the pain. Bondage belts, restraints, straitjackets, cauterizing irons and even clitoridectomy (the surgical excision of the clitoris) were all methods used to prevent young women from masturbating. American health reformers of the 19th century preached, as in these words from John Kellogg, that masturbation was “the vilest, the basest and the most degrading act that a human being can commit.”

Although most men and women today are aware that masturbation isn’t a “degrading act,” many are still constrained by the notion that it’s a selfish, immature activity or a second-rate substitute for partner sex. We live in a society in which sexual expression has always been legislated and restricted and the pursuit of pure pleasure is frequently condemned as selfish and childish. A lot of people who consider themselves free of sexual hang-ups have simply rewritten the equation “sex is only good if it involves procreation” to “sex is only good if it involves two loving people.” The fact that masturbation is a pleasurable end in itself gets short shrift in mainstream sex manuals, which focus on masturbation as a useful tool in the building of a better sex life with one’s partner. While it’s certainly true that masturbation provides valuable information about your own and your partners’ sexual responses, masturbation is much more than a means to the exalted end of better partner sex. Masturbation is our first sexual activity, a natural source of pleasure that’s available to us throughout our lives, and a unique form of creative self-expression. Each time you masturbate, you’re celebrating your sexuality and your innate capacity for pleasure, so give yourself a hand!

Masturbation Today

While giving yourself pleasure may seem as natural as taking a breath, masturbation is by no means a widely accepted form of sexual activity. Today, in many parts of the world (including the U.S.) children are punished if they are caught masturbating, which can affect their sexuality for the rest of their lives. Adults in cultures across the globe are presented with heterosexual marriage as the only acceptable form of sexual expression. Masturbation is not honored as an important form of safer sex, much less as a way a person can love herself, learn about himself, or exercise, as one wonderful Chinese euphemism puts it, “self-comfort.”

Masturbation can be a radical act, and the culture that suppresses masturbation may suppress many other personal freedoms as well. While celebrating Masturbation Month and doing your part to bring self-love out of the closet, keep in mind that erotic freedom is essential to true well-being, everywhere.

* Copied Directly From


A Very Special

Thank You



The Majick I felt pour out when I removed the novel from its packing

has my skin tingling.


I Will Treasure this Novel for

the rest of my days.


Wishing You, Erik  All The Very Best

and an

Abundance of Success.




Dragon's Loyalty Award

I am Honored to Follow, and be Followed by Extremely Talented Writers, Authors, and Bloggers.

Chazz of

bestowed me this prestigious award.

I have Admired Chazz’s writings.

 I Always Feel a Connection. An understanding and I Always gain Wisdom and Insight.

I have had the Honor and Pleasure to collaborate with Chazz.

His creative imagination, worldly experiences, sense of humor and of course our perverse and deviant banter

are just the tip of the surface of this Amazing Writer.

Cum join me over in dreamland.


Wishing My WordPress Family & Friends,

A Very Happy New Year!

May 2014 Bring All Your Heart Desires

And So Much More.



Christmas In Paradise


Wishing All Of My WordPress Extended Family 

A Majickal Holiday Season

 My Dear Readers 2014 is rapidly approaching us.  

I would like to take this opportunity to Thank You for allowing me to be a part of Your Life’s Journey.

I Cherish, and Venerate your Support, and Inspiration.  





Wishing My WordPress Family & Friends A Wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday