Shine On Award

My Dear Friend, and Fellow Blogger Jon aka Writingthebody (

has so Thoughtfully Gifted me with this Exquisite Award.

With Accepting this Gracious Award I must complete the following questions, and pass this Award to no more than 15 Blogger’s.

 Please answer the following questions, and pass this Award on, to no more than 15 Blogger’s.

1.  Rank these kinds of weather from best to worst: Sunny and hot, misty and cold, rain and cool, snow, ice, windy

Rain & Cool/Windy/Misty & Cold/Sunny & Hot/Snow/Ice

2.  Do you like outdoor music festivals?

I’m in agreement with Writingthebody, I don’t care for them at all!

3.  Do you like drinking water?

Yes absolutely, with freshly squeezed lemon. So Yummy

4.  Favourite alcoholic drink

I don’t drink any alcoholic beverages, although if I do on a rare occasion. I would have to say Irish Cream on the rocks.

5.  Best drug experience

Cocaine, and Amphetamines

6.  Most fun while not taking anything

Spending “Private Time” with My Lover.

7.  Greatest sorrow

The death of my Brother “Robbie”. His life was taken at the young age of 14, in 1982 from Reye’s Syndrome

As much, as I would Love to pass this Award to ALL THE BLOGGER’S THAT I FOLLOW, I’m limited to 15.


1. DreamlandDancing

Your Intellectual, Creative, and Thought Provoking writings Inspire Me.

2. Kelly (slavekelly)

Although we are traveling on different paths within our  journey to our Enlightenment. We have a Bond & Sisterly Connection that is Dear to my Heart, that I will Always Treasure.

3. Gabriel

I admire your Strength & Courage. Your writing’s consisting of Emotional Pain, Heartbreak, and Heartache and are to be commended

4. Alice

I Admire your writings of your transformation from “Vanilla”  to your submissive role within the BDSM lifestyle.

5. DominatSoul

Your writings on Intimacy, Sensuality, and all your topics on How To: has Definitely Enlightened My Sexuality and Sensuality.

6. Man Behind The Steel Mask

Perhaps One day the Man Behind  The Mask Will Reveal Himself

7. The Wistful Sinner

Who could ask for anything better, than your delightfully dirty posting’s

8.Kayla Lords

Thank you Kayla for ALL your AMAZING POST’S on A Sexual Being, and e[lust] :The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. How Awesome is that site to visit : ).

9. Harsh Reality aka

I Love Your I Don’t Give A #$%* Attitude


You offer a variety of posting’s within the submissive lifestyle. I enjoy your Blog’s very much.

11.Thoughts Of A Lunatic

I Love your writings, Real Life.

12. The Adventures of Little Panda

I enjoy your posting’s on your submissive relationship.

13. A Dissolute Life Means..

Hy, I adore your starting Boob Day. Who doesn’t enjoy looking at great Breast’s : )

14. Growing Up Little

Your informative posting on book reviews, and sharing your discoveries is greatly appreciated from this follower.

15 Sub-Odyssey

I admire your writing’s, about your experience’s as a submissive within the BDSM lifestyle.

  1. I am so flattered to be on your list…(You know, I come here to find out what’s interesting…).


    • Dear Dreamlanddancing,
      I believe Like Minded People are naturally drawn to each other. I’m delighted to have found your Blog site.
      Looking forward to your next post.
      Your Friend,
      Anastasia : )


  2. MaríMar says:

    Oh girl, thank you thank you thank you…I humbly accept this award… I better start on my speech… 😀
    Seriously, I am beyond touched and so glad you read my little blog.


  3. Thank you my friend… I am thankful for such an honor… I will respond to your questions upon my return… ❤


  4. I am honoured, Anastasia….I humbly accept and thank you for your kindness…


  5. You understand how to give away more than you get, and still never run out…If I indeed do create God in my own image, then it is your image in which I would create The Goddess. Thank you.


  6. Thank you so much for nominating me and the super nice comments you wrote about my blog.
    I would be honoured to accept.


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